December 2023 – Daniel Pietzsch’s Photo Journal
Your typical December photos.
I managed to wrap up my photos from 2023 on the last day of 2024. Hooray!
Your typical December photos.
I managed to wrap up my photos from 2023 on the last day of 2024. Hooray!
Photos from the Alpeninferno plus some random shots.
Nearing the end with my photos from 2023.
We went to the middle age market again. And our group of friends filmed a music video as a birthday present one afternoon.
Another one!
Photos from the hospital, Zoe's birthday, and a fat cat.
Another one!
Zoe's first day at school. I went photographing with Florian at Zeche Zollverein in Essen. It was my mum's birthday. Saw Gatecreeper and Converge live in Dortmund with Bernd and Fred. We went to a horse race. And Bernd and I went on a multiday hike in Austria, where I broke my arm.
The latest photojournal entry has been out for a few days.
The summer vacation in Annecy. Düsseldorf fun fair. A trip to the Eifel with Udo. And a trip to Berlin with Zoe.
I created a new photo journal entry.
A family trip to Belgium, Folkerdey, quite a few things in between, and of course our camper motorway crash false start into the summer holidays.
One more month of photos.
The circus came to town. Frankeninferno. Camping in Perlenau. And a visit to the Neaderthal museum.
There’s a new photo journal entry up!
The birthdays continue. It's Easter. Another studio visit. Beyond Tellerrand conference. A poker night. And the all the stuff in between.
You like photos? Here are some more!
Three birthdays and a studio visit.
I’m on a roll!
Ski vacation in Austria and Elfi's birthday.
Here are some fresh and ice cold photos!
Starting the new year in and around Düsseldorf.
What!? A new journal entry!
Panoramic summer impressions.
Trying not to fall behind more than one year.
Two parties, some rare visitors, a camping trip, a Krimidinner, and some horse riding.
It’s the month of July.
Irrland and southern France.
54 new photos.
Various activities in Düsseldorf and a work trip to France.
More photos!
At the Aquazoo Düsseldorf, Easter, COVID infection, and a jam session.
And here’s the brand new entry for April 2022.
Mostly photos from my birthday party.
Ups, forgot to link to the March entry of the photo journal here.
Flying a kite, flea market and a pizza dinner.
Keen to catch up.
It’s the January post. With New Year’s leftovers and family photos.
A very short post for a change.
A trip to Berlin. Zoe turns four. A work event. Friends turning forty. Family holiday in Italy. A band reunion of sorts. Christmas and New Year's. And the usual documentation in between.
239 new photos from the past.
Our three weeks summer holiday, weekend camping trips, some bike riding and other activities in Düsseldorf.
Finally, after a year, I made an entry to the photojournal again.
Another fun daily movie guessing game. And an instant favourite!
🇫🇷 @Red Fang, c’est un groupe né à Portland, dans l’Oregon. La formation se compose de Brian Giles au chant et à la guitare, Aaron Beam au chant et à la ba...
Red Fang on this year’s Hellfest. The band rocks hard. The crowd goes wild. And all beautifully filmed and edited with great sound.
If you’re short on time, watch “Wires” in the middle of the set. Perfect!
Guess the metal song from the intro in as few tries as possible.
A household favourite at the moment and part of our morning routine.
Apple Music’s Zane Lowe joins Jack in Detroit to discuss his new album 'Fear Of The Dawn,' Third Man Records, and more. Add 'Fear Of The Dawn' to your librar...
Always inspiring to listen to Jack White. And I learned there’s a Third Man Records Store in London now. For sure going to visit that one next time I’m there!
A great analysis of my favourite song from the latest Meshuggah album. Love how he uses his fingers to illustrate it all!
I rarely dissect Meshuggah songs like this. But it’s good to sometimes have other people doing that for you.
Gitpod streamlines developer workflows by providing prebuilt, collaborative developer environments in your browser - powered by VS Code.
Wow! I’m going to experiment with this a little. I already created this very post using Gitpod. With the iPad (and the Planck keyboard, of course).
Life and death, sun and snow, at home and on the go.
I managed to create an entry in the photo journal. The first set of film photos from this year.
Some old and some never seen clips of Cooper riding a fixed gear in NYC. I hope you enjoy. Looking to shoot some more in this style. Who should I film? Beco...
This video was recommended to me tonight. Good choice! Thanks, algorithm! This is some extremely skilful cycling – and filming! Plus it’s in black and white and the dude is carrying an analogue Leica.
I looked him up, too, and of course there’s more of this. Oh my. Another rabbit hole.
I can totally relate to this guy being so excited about film photography. And it was great to get a tour of a professional film lab.
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2021 is a gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.
Oh, there’s an #indiewebcamp in Düsseldorf next Wednesday, and I won’t be able to attend. :-(
An almost three hours long interview. Highly recommended, if you’re a Tarantino fan. The last 45 minutes or so could be safely skipped, though, unless you’re much into Bruce Lee and some legal controversy surrounding scripts for some film and/or series (yawn).
Great Thunberg is badass!
The whole strange year in one big entry.
I managed to catch up a little with my photos: here are 159 exposures from 2020.
Today, people have many ways to keep up with their favorite websites, including subscribing to mailing lists, notifications and RSS. It’s a ...
Chrome will try out letting users subscribe to RSS feed right in the browser.
This is a welcome experiment, after all main browsers removed RSS-related features in recent years. I wish they came back. It’d be great if RSS feeds were surfaced via a consistent UI and the ability to easily subscribe to feeds without the need for additional software (at least to get started).
I don’t have high hopes, though.
KEKS LENS kodak lens 30mm f/10 keks lens is a lens recycle from disposable camera and transform it to a body cap lens. it could be one of the best weapon for street photography. The Fixed aperture and focus free makes sure you can capture the moments you want. (Available in LEICA M, L39, FUJIFILM X, SONY E MOUNT) www.instagram.com/keks_lens/
Interesting lens. Only 30 USD. Here’s a review. Tempted to just order one.
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
Command discovery of the day: zless
– for directly viewing zipped text files. Now I can stop manually gunzip
ing and less
ing server log files like an idiot.
I’ve reviewed a whole load of the new crop of shoe mount light meters recently. I’ve liked something about all of the meters I’ve tried too.
This will probably come in handy one day!
Noch vor fünf Jahren führten Diana Knigge und Phillip Alexander Schubert, beide Mitte 40, ein Leben im sogenannten Wohlstand: eigenes Café, schickes Auto und...
Ein Paar aus Ratingen lebt und reist seit 5 Jahren im Wohnmobil. Gute Idee, wie ich finde!
This is the story of the birth of the web, its loss of innocence, its decline, and what we can do to make it a bit less gross. Or if you prefer, this is the video in which I say the expression “barbecue sets” far too many times.
Not your usual explanation of the history of the web and the IndieWeb.
Ihr möchtet ungern als Familie "posen", wollt jedoch gerne die Zeit festhalten? Hier eine kleine Familienreportage (Remscheid und Umgebung).
In October, Sina came over and shot a whole bunch of photos of us. So, feel free to stalk us over on her blog.
Meetings with friends and family. And some impressions of Düsseldorf.
Finally finishing 2019.
First photos with my new Rollei 35 S. A concert. A demonstration. And everything in between.
I shall not fall behind more than one year! My photo selection for November 2019.
Back to “normal” life.
The holiday month. Photos of various stops in the alps. But mainly street photographs from Venice.
Mit der Petition wird die Durchführung einer Studie zum "Racial Profiling" bei den Polizeibehörden des Bundes und der Bundesländer gefordert.
A family gathering near Brussels, commuting photos and the usual documentation.
📷 “August 2019” is now up in the Photo Journal: https://photojournal.danielpietzsch.com/2019/August. 📷
Desperately trying to catch up… ;-)
Funfair, Nord Open Air and life in between.
📷 “July 2019” is now up in the Photo Journal (48 photos). 📷
June was lovely with its long and sunny days. This one includes a few frames from around home, but mainly from our long-weekend camping trip to Holland.
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf, our first camping trip this year, and all the other bits in between.
The first month living in the new neighbourhood. And so this post contains shots around there, at home, and of course random shots in between, which is the result of me taking my cameras everywhere I go.
March was a mixed bag. I was doing lots of trips back and forth between Ratingen and Düsseldorf, preparing the move into our new apartment. Plus, I started a new/old job again, being busy working full time again.
A tiny bit of street photography again.
More posts in my previous blog. Or you can browse the photo journal.