Daniel Pietzsch

Big Muff pickup ride

  1. Volmerswerther Str.: Volmerswerth -> Bilk (00:00)
  2. Bilker Kircher to Rheinufer (05:23)
  3. Rheinufer (8:25)
  4. Joseph-Beuys-Ufer and Cecilienallee (11:44)
  5. Klever Str. (13:40)
  6. Jülicher Str. and arrival (16:10)

I bought a used Bass Big Muff pedal, and this is the bike ride to the person I purchased it from.

It’s a sunny weekday morning ride from last October with not much traffic or people around. It’s fairly long, but somehow, I like to document my bike rides every once in a while. The route until minute 13:40 gets cycled frequently - the remaining bit, not so often.