Daniel Pietzsch

Boxing Day Bike Ride

Join me in cycling half an hour around the Rhine. I start pretty much at home in Flehe, go through Volmerswerth, over the “SĂŒdbrĂŒcke” towards Neuss, then south, and over the “Fleher BrĂŒcke” back to DĂŒsseldorf. And I even do talk a little.

Santa brought me a GoPro Hero 10 for Christmas, so this was the first ride with it. And since I already liked the outcome, I decided to post this here.

I watched way to many of Terry Barentsen’s cycling videos and wanted to try something like this myself.

And I must say, the GoPro really does a good job stabilising the footage. I have it mounted with a chest mount (without a gimbal). And the sound with the onboard microphones covered by a “windslayer” foam cover is also decent. Certainly good enough for me.

What bothers me a little about this setup is, that the GoPro lens is not centered on the chest mount – and it shows. Need to get an angled mount or so. Also, I’ll probably try using the “Low” setting for the in-camera sharpening – “Medium” still looks too sharp to me. But otherwise I’m really happy with the material from the test run.


  • 12.18 km
  • 32:17 Min
  • Average Speed: 22.6 km/h

Go Pro Settings

  • Recording resolution: 4K
  • Frame rate: 24fps
  • Bitrate: High
  • Lens: Wide
  • Hypersmooth: Boost
  • Sharpening: Medium
  • Shutter: Auto
  • EV compensation: -0.5
  • Whitebalance: Auto
  • ISO: 100-1600
  • Colour: natural
  • Wind reduction: Off

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