Daniel Pietzsch

Fuck you, Instagram!

I made a little bookmarklet to disable and hide Instagram’s login prompt and re-enable scrolling, so I can keep browsing Instagram web pages when I am logged out. I call it “Fuck you, Instagram!” or “FUI” for short.

Just drag the following link to your browser’s favourites-/bookmarks-bar: → FUI ←.

I need this, because I don’t have an Instagram account (and am therefor always logged out), and so I get prompted to sign in all the time. But now I can click this bookmark and I’m back to browsing.

Unfortunately, this only seems to work on desktop browsers. On iOS, the modal disappears, but then scrolling is disabled afterwards. Maybe I’ll get around to fixing that, too.

And I’m not sure how long this will continue to work like this at all. But if it’s not much trouble, I’ll make sure to update it so it keeps working with their latest markup.

For anyone who’s interested, here’s the code:

document.body.setAttribute('style', 'overflow: initial');