The future of my photo journal
Right now, I’m unsure about whether I will continue my photo journal in its current form.
I want to keep sharing photos, but I feel like the strict monthly schedule became more and more suboptimal. For one, I feel like I am repeating myself. And secondly, the regularity somehow pressures me into publishing too many photos, when there actually weren’t that many keepers in a month. I think I would probably enjoy a more common event-based or post-based approach again.
On the other hand, I do like my journal’s schedule, forcing me to publish regularly and not become lazy about it.
Anyhow, I’m thinking about creating a “Photos” section on this very page, that would quench my photo-sharing thirst in the future. But – damn – I’m really not sure about this. I certainly still like my current journal. We’ll see…
As for the near future: I’m currently still editing photos from 2020 at the moment. And I hope by the time I’m done with that, I will have made a decision where I want to publish them.