Daniel Pietzsch


A page about what's currently going on in my life.



I’m still recovering from my arm fracture. I had another check at the hospital in February. The bone seems to be healing really well, which is really good news, as this was not a given with this type of fracture. However, my really slow progress regarding full arm movement might be due to one or two things. First, the distance between the upper arm bone then the joint is much smaller than would be considered “normal”. And this could be due to a further injury to the muscles apparatus surrounding the joint. But this could only be diagnosed after an MRT. Which they can not perform until the metal plate inside my arm has been removed. And which brings me to the second factor regarding my limited arm movement: due to the small distance inside the joint, it’s not unlikely that the plate restricts my arm from moving all the way. Und they said, they only remove the plate at the earliest one year after the operation. Which would be in autumn.

I’ll still be getting physiotherapy, as this does help, albeit slowly.

My ability to move the arm is good enough for most things now, so that I’m not too constrained in day-to-day activities.

In other news, this year we had been sick more often and for longer than usual. I think we caught a flu in January and then in February we had a stomach flu. And both kept the whole family sick for over a week. Just annoying.

Ok, enough with the whining now…

Work (and play)

I’m currently mostly busy working my two freelance jobs: software development for the one client and object photography for another. It’s a good mix of computer time and the more practical photography, which is actually quite nice right now. And which will hopefully also keep the tax office happy.


I’ve also been busy helping my band get going. The band is named “Forkalyst”, and there was – and still is – quite a bit things to do; like preparing our online presence, designing and ordering printed merch, preparing for our first live gig, etc.

Photography and blogging

I’ve really been lazy regarding photography and blogging. I don’t even take that many photos at the moment. And my scan-backlog is ever growing. I’m thinking about a scan-by-digital-camera workflow, in order to remove the tediousness from scanning. And yes, I should write and post more.